A film
was made during the big firing in October 2003 by Jacques
Tréfouël and his team, who were present at the
firing, day and night !
This film is available from the
association as a videocassette or DVD for 20 euros (+ 6 euros
post and packing)
Must be seen !!
The first showing of "Le Grand
Feu", the vidéo from the firing of the big kiln
of Pottery Jacques Jeanneney in october 2003 was very emotionnal...
Invited by the Mayor, local representants have been able to
see how a few people of the association, dedicated to reviving
the local firing tradition, lived through these very intense
Jacques Tréfouël and Daniel
Hénard, who presented the film, were able to sieze
the high points of the event. Beyond the tehnical aspects
of the firing, the documentary focuses on the men and women
who took part in this adventure, day after day, and on their
faces, which we see tired, but always reaching towards the
final goal. Wonderful images which bring back much emotion.